The Ballard T&T Team was down in Montesano on Feb. 3 for February Flip Fest!

Coach Jack said:
“The team had a great time at the February Flip Fest. It is really exciting to see how our new and even returning athletes are pushing themselves now that we have had a few competitions under our belts. Big shout out to the level 2 team for sweeping the podium for their age groups and congratulations to Ophelia from the level 4s for finally beating her friendly ‘rival’ and teammate Peter on trampoline (you’ll get her next time Peter 😉!). Finally the biggest shout out to all of our team families for being so supportive of the team. Natalie and I really appreciate all the support and trust you give us.”

Great work as always everyone! And ditto to Coach Jack – our team families are the BEST (and so are you, Coaches Jack and Natalie!). What a great team we have!

Check out this meet on Facebook and Instagram!

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