The SGA mobile app allows streamlined communication with important push notifications about closures, waitlist openings and more. Plus access all your account information and easily enroll in classes and events, find quick and helpful links, and more.

Download the SGA app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store

SGA Strong at Home

A benefit only available for SGA Members, this video library includes lessons designed to safely be done at home with objects from around the house, and can help gymnasts in the path to skill progression by offering strength training, flexibility, skill drills and more.

This page requires a password to access. The password can be found the “upcoming classes” section of your SGA account (please note: the password will be periodically updated).

Go to the video library

Gym Time

Gym Time is an hour-long event providing a semi-structured environment for currently enrolled students (age 6+) with additional time in the gym to work on specific events and skills. While not formal instruction, SGA coaches are staffed and available to provide assistance and supervision so gymnasts can safely work on skills that have already been introduced to them in their weekly classes.

Ages 6+, and 5-year-olds enrolled in Level 2 / Pre-Team

Learn more and view the schedule

Observe your Gymnast from Anywhere

WatchMeGrow is our safe, secure and private remote viewing partner. Cameras throughout the gym allow you – and only you – to watch your gymnast’s class from anywhere.

Newly enrolled families: SGA will provide information on how to set up your account. Current enrolled families: Access your WMG account here

Team Communication Made Easy

We use TeamSnap as a communication tool between our Competitive Team families and coaches.

An invitation to join TeamSnap for your gymnast’s team group will be sent to you at the beginning of each new competition season.

share the fun! invite friends to sga

Gymnastics is more fun with friends.
Invite others to check out SGA events and classes.

Share SGA with a Friend!

We will send your friend a one-time welcome email with information about upcoming SGA events and available classes.

Your Name(Required)
Your Friend's Name(Required)


At Seattle Gymnastics Academy, the safety of all participants is our number one priority. Our safety education extends to all who enter our facility including participants, SGA staff, parents/caregivers, and visitors. 

Our mission is to offer a positive, inclusive environment – where kids (and adults!) of all ages, genders, and abilities can learn strength, skill, and character through progressive gymnastics instruction. 

At SGA, our culture and philosophy are built on Safety, Fun, and Progressive Skill Building. 

Safety is achieved when we work together to follow a standard set of guidelines built on mutual respect, trust, experience, education, and enforcement. 

The guidelines listed below will help our entire SGA community enjoy Safe Fun at our facilities:

    • Visitors are not allowed on the gymnastics floor, equipment, or apparatus.
    • Parent supervision is required in the viewing area before class. No early unsupervised drop off is permitted. 
    • Siblings not attending a class must be supervised by a parent/caregiver at all times.
    • Children are not allowed outside alone at any time.
    • Assumption of Risk is the responsibility of the participant and/or Parent/Guardian of the participant.
    • Participants and visitors must follow and respect staff safety instructions at all times.
    • Participants may enter the gymnastics area only when supervised by a trained SGA instructor.
    • Everyone in the facility must walk, no running.
    • Horseplay, hazing, and bullying are not allowed.
    • Participants must always walk around the floor exercise area. Never across.
    • Participants must STOP and look both ways before crossing any tumbling apparatus.
    • Food and drinks are not allowed in the gymnastics area. Water bottles (filled with water only) are permitted. Soda, Gatorade, and all other beverages must remain in the lobby/student cubbies.
      • For safety, please do not bring glass water bottles inside the facility.
    • The gym area has many trip hazards. Always walk from event to event.
    • Children are not allowed inside the facility alone with only one adult present. 
    • No flash photography is permitted during competition or practice.
    • To ensure the privacy and security of all participants, limit personal photos and video recordings and aim to capture images of your child only.
    • Use the foam pit only under the supervision of a trained SGA staff member.
    • Only jump feet-or-bottoms-first in the foam pit. Diving head-or-stomach-first is dangerous.
    • Do not dig holes or hide in the pit.
    • Watch for others when jumping into the pit or dropping from the rope.
    • When dropping off the rope, always land on your feet or seat in the middle of the pit.
    • Never slide down the rope. Always climb down.
    • Play it safe. Appreciate the risks involved and follow the rules. 
    • Walk on and off.
    • Jump in the middle of the bed.
    • One child per trampoline, including the Tumbl Trak.
    • No jumping across the trampolines. (from trampoline to trampoline)
    • No handsprings or saltos (i.e. flipping) unless you have a trained SGA staff member’s permission.
    • Freeze before walking off.
    • Only bounce as high as you can control.
    • Use only under the supervision of a trained instructor.
    • Do not step, stand, or sit on the trampoline pads.
    • Never go under the trampolines.
    • The Tumbl Trak is one direction only.
    • For safety, students must pass the Above Ground Trampoline test to establish basic proficiency to use this specialized equipment (Ballard location only).
    • Adults must actively supervise and stay with their children at all times. 
    • SGA staff is on the floor to help remind of rules, direct traffic, and create a fun environment.
    • Only children are allowed on the equipment.
    • Socks for adults, bare-feet for children. No shoes allowed on the gym surfaces.
    • Some equipment is off limits, such as Above Ground Trampolines, High Beams and High Bars.
    • Please change diapers in the Restrooms and dispose of soiled diapers in the Diaper Genie.
    • If your child has a potty accident, please notify SGA staff immediately so appropriate cleaning may be done.
    • The bleachers are reserved for visitors and spectators.
    • Please remain seated in the bleachers at all times.
    • Use the steps as you enter and exit the bleachers.
    • Children are not allowed to use the bleachers as a play area.
    • Help us keep the bleachers clean by not leaving bottles, cups, and trash.


At SGA, the most important safety feature we practice is our system of professional gymnastics instruction. Every staff member at SGA receives technical training, safety education, and extensive on-the-floor training to gain multiple coaching certifications, as well as, opportunities for professional development and continued education dedicated to the best interest of our gymnasts.

  • Instructors at SGA are certified through USA Gymnastics, complete Heads Up! Concussion Training, have regular national background checks, and are trained in CPR and first aid.

We follow a progression-based method of teaching that helps students safely gain confidence and consistency with basic gymnastics skills before attempting the next series of more difficult skills. Progression looks different at all ages and skill levels and is a required part of our teaching methods. Each skill is broken down into small, achievable pieces; getting more challenging just a little bit at a time.

  • A forward roll will go through many progressions and eventually become a front-tuck.
  • A monkey-jump becomes a cartwheel, becomes a round-off, becomes the foundation of tumbling.

At SGA, it’s our mission to find the best class fit for each student and provide a high-quality progressive gymnastics experience for all. 

Even with highly trained instructors and progressive teaching methods, it is impossible to eliminate the danger and risk of injury in gymnastics.

Please review the following gymnast responsibilities for safe fun at SGA:


    Gymnastics is inherently dangerous because it is physically demanding and immovable equipment creates the risk of injury. While most injuries are minor, some can be extremely serious: severe pain, broken bones, damage to internal organs, and in extreme cases, total paralysis or death can result from landing improperly on the head, neck, or back.

    If you have a specific safety concern, we are happy to discuss it. Please talk to one of our coaches or our Member Services Staff.


    Safe dismounts and unintentional falls require proper landing techniques. No amount of matting can prevent every type of injury. Avoid landing on the head or neck as serious injuries may occur. Also, avoid landing on outstretched arms (forward or backward) as there is a high probability that a break or dislocation can occur.


    Do not participate in gymnastics activity without the supervision of a qualified SGA staff member.  Supervision by SGA Staff is required for all classes, events and activities.


    Safe learning practices demand mastering basic skills before progressing to a new and/or more difficult skill.


    A safe learning environment includes a correct understanding of the skill being performed and following proper skill progressions. When in doubt, always ask your instructor.


    The readiness and ability of the participant, the nature of the skill, and the expertise of the spotter must be taken into consideration before attempting a new or difficult skill.


    Gymnastics is an activity requiring active concentration. Horseplay, bullying, or any other form of carelessness will not be tolerated at any time, for any reason. Poor sportsmanship is counterproductive to our goals and can result in permanent removal from SGA programs.


    Before using the equipment for any gymnastics activity, make sure the equipment is adjusted and secured properly and that adequate matting appropriate for the activity is in the correct position. When in doubt, always ask your instructor.


    Dress appropriately, follow required warm-up practices, and be mentally prepared to engage in the gymnastics activity.



    SGA must have an electronic Student Waiver and Liability Release form completed for each participant on the gym floor. A parent or legal guardian must complete this release prior to participation in activities at SGA.

    You may complete this information online before the first class, or you can stop by the front desk, and our Member Services Staff will be happy to assist you.


    SGA may send transactional and promotional emails to prospects and SGA Members. Transactional emails consist of emails pertaining to your MY SGA account such as monthly statements, credit card receipts, class information, member benefits, student enrollments, and privacy mailings. Promotional emails consist of emails about upcoming events and services that may be of value to our families.

    An email address is required for creating an account with Seattle Gymnastics Academy. Transactional emails will be sent to any SGA Member when it is necessary to communicate important information to your family about your MY SGA account.

    Promotional emails are sent through weekly and monthly newsletters and on occassion through event specific emails to families who have agreed to receive emails from Seattle Gymnastics Academy. Those who have agreed to receive emails from Seattle Gymnastics Academy can opt-out of the weekly and monthly newsletters at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe button in any newsletter email or by contacting their local SGA location. 


    I/(We) affirm that I/(we) now have and will at all times continue to maintain proper hospitalization, health, and accident insurance plans and/or policies in the amounts and coverage which is adequate for the health, welfare, and protection of the student and our family.

  • CUSTOMER WARNING (as required by United States Association of Gymnastics)

    By the very nature of the activity, gymnastics carries a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the gymnast and coach are no matter how many spotters are used, no matter what surface exists, the risk cannot be eliminated. The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as broken bones, dislocations, and muscle pull. The risk also includes, and always includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from landings or falls on the back, neck, or head.


    I affirm that I have read Seattle Gymnastics Academy’s Safe Fun Guidelines, the Seattle Gymnastics Academy Safe Fun Participant Responsibilities, and I agree to respect and follow all Safety Instructions. I will follow all warning signs, posted in the facility, on electronic media, and issued verbally by SGA staff. By the very nature of the activity, gymnastics carries a risk of physical injury. I agree to accept all risks associated with my child’s participation in gymnastics. To read Seattle Gymnastics Academy’s Safety Guidelines, click here.


    We pride ourselves on creating an inclusive environment and we do our best to accommodate most situations. To ensure a safe and high-quality experience for all participants and staff, please notify the Member Services Staff of your child’s allergy, medical condition and / or any special accommodations that may be required upon enrollment so SGA can provide the best support possible.

    Please indicate any special circumstances under the medical notes in your online profile so our staff is aware prior to commencement of classes. In most cases, we request that a Medical Care Plan, signed by a healthcare provider, is on file for students with life-threatening allergies and / or medical conditions to ensure safe participation while in our facility. Each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind a safe and high-quality experience for all.

    To assure your child’s safety, please be sure that the following are completed before the first / next day of registered activities at SGA:

    Review SGA’s Policy for Students with Medical Conditions

    Return a signed copy of the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Policy for Administering Treatment to Children with Medical Conditions to the front desk along with the necessary medical care paperwork.

    Request that your health care provider fill out and sign the appropriate Emergency Care Plan (links to the required documentation are provided below). Please make sure that both your signature and the health care provider’s signature are on the forms with current dates and update us with changes to your child’s condition as needed.

    Severe Allergy Emergency Care Plan

    Diabetes Emergency Care Plan

    Asthma Emergency Care Plan

    Seizure Emergency Care Plan

    Other Medical Conditions (Cognitive, Developmental, and/or Social) Emergency Care Plan

    You may submit both the action plan and policy form to our front desk by email or in-person. If you have any questions, our Member Services Staff is available during normal business hours and will be happy to assist you.


    By registering for programs at Seattle Gymnastics Academy, the account holder represents and warrants that they are paying for a service from this facility or from other merchants through this facility and that:

    • Any credit card, banking and personal information they supply is true and complete.
    • Charges incurred by the account holder will be honored by their credit card company or financial institution.
    • The account holder will pay the charges incurred at the posted prices, including any applicable taxes, fees and penalties, and
    • The account holder understands that monthly payment amounts may change based on program enrollment / class duration and may include additional fees including, but not limited to, late fees, uniform fees and competition fees.
    • Should the account holder dispute a charge through their financial institution this will constitute a breach of contract possibly resulting in, but not limited to, penalties, additional fees, collection, legal action, and/or termination of any and/or all current and future services.

    Automatic Payments: By providing online payment information to Seattle Gymnastics Academy, the account holder authorizes the facility to automatically charge their credit card or bank account on a recurring monthly basis.

    • The account holder understands and has read the policies of Seattle Gymnastics Academy and understands the named persons and / or participants are enrolled in a program that has recurring monthly tuition.
    • The account holder is responsible to make timely payments of all balances due on their Seattle Gymnastics Academy account. If, for whatever reason, payments cannot be processed and an account balance remains overdue, the account holder understands that enrollment in classes will be canceled and they will be responsible for all costs incurred for collection of any delinquent payments.

    The current version of Seattle Gymnastics Academy policies posted online supersedes all previously posted or issued versions of the same as of the date specified below. Seattle Gymnastics Academy reserves the right to change policies at any time. Members of Seattle Gymnastics Academy are required to periodically review revised policies posted online.

    Seattle Gymnastics Academy Policies revision date: 07/12/2024


We offer a continuous programming model that automatically renews monthly. Registration is ongoing and participants may enroll in an available class at any time. Each student is charged a flat monthly fee based on the total number of hours the gymnast spends in classes per week. The monthly tuition fee reserves the student’s place in the class whether they attend or not. There are no refunds or credits for absences or scheduled SGA closures.


    A one-time family registration fee of $75 is due upon your first registration in our continuous monthly programs. This is a non-refundable lifetime registration fee and will never need to be paid again. 


    Tuition payments and any outstanding balances are automatically processed on the 20th of each month using your primary payment method in your MY SGA account. (Example: December classes are billed November 20th.) 


    We accept the following payment methods:

    • Autopay Credit or Debit Cards – Visa, Mastercard and AmEx (with a 3.5% surcharge fee)
    • Autopay E-check (ACH) – No additional processing fees

    If you need to make changes to your autopay arrangements, please update your records online, over the phone, or in person before the 19th of the month.


    Monthly costs for classes are based on the total number of hours each gymnast (within a family) spends in classes per week.

    2024-2025 Tuition Rates (Effective July 1, 2024)

    45 min. – $127

    1 hr – $148

    1.5 hrs – $206

    2 hrs – $258

    2.5 hrs – $271

    3 hrs – $284

    3.5 hrs – $317

    4 hrs – $356

    4.5 hrs – $364

    5+ hrs – Check with your Member Services Staff


    A $25 late fee will be issued for all payments made after the 25th of the month.

    A $35 fee will be issued for returned checks/checking account payments.

    If payments are not processed by the 1st of the next month, students will be dropped from their enrolled class and spots will be offered to others.


    Monthly payments are calculated on a yearly amortized tuition schedule (48-weeks of classes).

    • SGA guarantees an average of 4 lessons per month over a 12 month period. Most months have four lessons. Some months have five lessons, and very few have three lessons.

    Scheduled SGA closures, as well as shorter / longer months, are already calculated into the annual average tuition cost so your payments stay the same each month.


    We want to make sure our gymnasts, and our staff, can enjoy holidays and vacations with their families. Therefore, our yearly amortized tuition accounts for scheduled closures, as well as shorter / longer months, meaning closures are already calculated into the annual average tuition cost so your payments stay the same each month and you are not paying for days when the facility is closed.

    SGA will be CLOSED for Recreational Classes:

    • Labor Day: September 2 (Monday) 2024
    • Thanksgiving: November 27 (Wednesday) – December 1 (Sunday) 2024
    • Winter Break: December 24 (Tuesday) 2024 – January 3 (Friday) 2025
    • Spring Refresh (dates vary by location):
      • Ballard: March 22 (Saturday) – March 25 (Tuesday) 2025
      • Burien: March 29 (Saturday) – April 1 (Tuesday) 2025
      • Columbia City: March 22 (Saturday) – March 25 (Tuesday) 2025
      • Lake City: March 29 (Saturday) – April 1 (Tuesday) 2025
      • Mill Creek: March 29 (Saturday) – April 1 (Tuesday) 2025
    • Easter: April 20 (Sunday) 2025
    • Memorial Day: May 26 (Monday) 2025
    • Summer Break: July 1 (Tuesday) – July 6 (Sunday) 2025

    Please note: closure dates vary based on program / location. SGA may have camps, clinics, team practices and other special events during the scheduled closures.

    Check with your Member Services Team at your enrolled location for more information.


    Upon arrival for each class, enter the gymnast’s name on the tablets provided at the student check-in stations in the lobby.

    • We ask that adults complete the check-in process for our younger gymnasts to ensure attendance is accepted and accurate for all students.
    • Students who are dropped off or do not have an adult present, will be required to self-check-in prior to class.
    • If you arrive more than 30 minutes after class has started, please check-in directly with a Member Services Coordinator at the front desk.
    • Check-in is a crucial part in our progressive instruction efforts, and we thank you for ensuring it is completed for every class.
    • It is also important for adults to meet their child in the lobby after class for pick-up.

    It’s important to pick up and drop off participant’s on time. We have a flexible 5-minute window to pick up your child. Any pick-ups after this time will be charged $5 per 5 minutes and this balance will be applied to your account. If there is an emergency, please call the gym and we will do our best to accommodate. Please be respectful of our staff – leaving work at the end of their shift is important to them too!

    Parent supervision is required in the viewing area prior to the class start time. No early unsupervised drop off is permitted. Siblings not attending a class must be supervised by a parent / caregiver in the facility at all times.


    Due to class ratios, safety and the structure of our programs, make-up classes are NOT offered. By registering for programs, a class spot is secured for the participant, whether they attend or not.

    However, we do understand life happens and for a number of reasons, classes are missed from time to time. And so, SGA provides resources to help gymnasts retain momentum and physical activity while they are out of the gym (as well as help make additional progress even if classes are not missed).

    1. Strong at Home Video Library

    A benefit only available for SGA Members, this video library includes lessons designed to safely be done at home with objects from around the house, and can help gymnasts in the path to skill progression by offering strength training, flexibility, skill drills and more.

    The Video Library requires a password to access. The password can be found the “upcoming classes” section of your SGA account (please note: the password will be periodically updated).

    2. Gym Time

    An hour-long event providing a semi-structured environment for currently enrolled students (age 6+) with additional time in the gym to work on specific events and skills. While not formal instruction, SGA coaches are staffed and available to provide assistance and supervision so gymnasts can safely work on skills that have already been introduced to them in their weekly classes.

    Gym Time costs $5 per session and is only available for currently enrolled students. Learn more and view the Gym Time schedule.

    Our Member Services Staff can answer any questions you have about missed classes and assist you with access to SGA’s Strong at Home Video Library or Gym Time enrollment.


    We understand that situations can change and participants may age up, level up or a family’s schedule may adjust. Therefore, participants may transfer to a different class at any time, as long as there is availability. If there is a tuition difference, we will make the necessary adjustments and collect any balance due at the time of the transfer.

    We reserve the right to switch a student to a different class due to low enrollment, when the participant has difficulty keeping up with the class, lacks sufficient skills compared to the other students, or would be more successful in a different class. All students must meet the prerequisite age and / or skill requirements before attending the class, unless permission is granted by our leadership team.

    We also understand that each of our team members has a diverse and unique teaching style and not every participant and coach combination is the right fit.  We want everyone to love their SGA experience, so please bring any concerns you may have to our immediate attention so we can work together to find an appropriate solution.


    If a program is full or pending, a waitlist option is available. To prioritize movement and advancement of our current students and to allow new students to enroll more easily, we fill class spots from the waitlist on a priority based system, using the following criteria:

    • Promotion students: open positions are first offered to students awaiting a promotion (whether this be a preschool gymnast moving to the next age group, or a gymnast moving to the next level, i.e., from Gymnastics 1 to Gymnastics 2).
    • Currently enrolled students needing to change day / time: if open spots remain after promoted students are contacted, we contact currently enrolled students needing to change their day or time of class due to scheduling conflicts.
    • New students: if open spots are still available after contacting our currently enrolled students meeting the above criteria, the spots will then be offered to new students.

    All waitlist communications are sent via email and SGA app so please verify that your contact information and email address on file is current to make sure you are receiving these emails.

    • When there is an opening in the program, all waitlisted participants will be emailed at the same time based on their priority status and spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, it is best to contact us as soon as you see the email notification come through to claim your spot.
    • All waitlist enrollments must be accepted and processed by calling our Member Services Staff directly. Email responses to a waitlist notification are not sufficient to confirm your enrollment.

    Please only waitlist for programs that you highly desire and that will fit your schedule.

    • Participants can go on a maximum of three wait lists at one time.

    Due to program demand and high waitlist volumes, if we do not hear from you regarding a waitlist opening, the waitlisted participant will be removed from the waitlist. We do this in order to prioritize advancement for our current students, move through waitlists at a reasonable pace and successfully fill our programs.


    Current SGA Members wishing to cancel their enrollment in weekly gymnastics classes must notify SGA’s Member Services Team via our online drop request form by the 1st of the final month you wish to participate in class. (Example: If you do not wish to attend classes in June, submit the drop form no later than May 1. In this case, your final class will be May 31.)

    • All drop requests will be for the last day of the month. 
    • Drop forms received after the 1st of the month will be applied to the end of the following month and you will be responsible for that month’s tuition whether you can attend or not.
    • Verbal, email, or voicemail drop requests will not be honored.
    • Please note that coaches and / or team leads cannot drop students from classes and all requests must be received in writing and confirmed by our Member Services Staff in order to take effect.

    It is our goal to ensure the best possible experience for our entire community. If there is anything we can do better to meet your needs, please provide your feedback on the drop request form or contact our Member Services Staff directly for assistance.

    Drop Request Form ➔

    Medical Drops: As a courtesy to our families, we will make exceptions for doctor-certified injuries or long-term illnesses.

    For medical situations, a prorated credit or refund may be issued for classes remaining in the month when a family chooses to cancel enrollment and remove the student from class. A doctor’s note is required and the prorated credit or refund will be based on the date SGA receives the doctor’s note at the front desk and the cancellation is confirmed by our Member Services Team.

    • Please note, in the case of medical cancellation, that re-enrollment is not guaranteed and will be based on availability.

    If a family wishes to hold a participant’s spot in class, all current and future tuition payments are still required.

    In all cases, if we are presented with a doctor’s note after the activity has passed, we are unable to offer retroactive requests for medical credit.


    Seattle Gymnastics Academy maintains a NO REFUND policy on all of our fees. There is a required monthly commitment to a class and the monthly tuition fee reserves the student’s place in the class whether they attend or not. There are no refunds or credits for absences or scheduled SGA closures and lifetime registration fees are non-refundable.

    In the event that Seattle Gymnastics Academy must cancel a program offered at our facility due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control (including coach illness, extreme weather, power outage, gas leak, global pandemic, etc.) we will provide a non-refundable account credit for any missed classes.

    • Once an account credit is issued, the credit amount is non-refundable. Account credits may be used towards future programming and activities at SGA. Credits have no expiration date, however, credits will only remain available for immediate use for one year after being issued. If returning to SGA more than one year after a credit was issued, please contact our Member Services staff directly for assistance.



    Once you are registered, we hope that nothing interferes with your child attending camp at Seattle Gymnastics Academy. However, if you must change your child’s camp registration, please be aware of our camp policies:

    Effective January 1, 2024, SGA may provide credits or refunds for *summer camp cancellations following the schedule below:

      • An account credit or refund may be provided for summer camp cancellations received on or before March 31, less a 20% administrative fee.
      • An account credit or refund may be provided for summer camp cancellations received between April 1 – May 31, less a 50% administrative fee.
      • No credits or refunds will be provided for summer camp cancellations received on or after June 1. If you have an unforeseen circumstance that arises after the deadline, please contact us so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.

    * Please note: SGA does not provide credits or refunds for Winter Break camp registrations due to the limited number of spaces available in the program.

    Camp registrations remain in effect until a written notice of a cancellation is provided and confirmed by our Member Services Staff. To cancel a camp registration, email your enrolled location directly for assistance.

    There are no additional fees for transferring a camp registration to a different week or SGA location.

      • All camp transfers are subject to availability and must be requested a minimum of one week before the initial camp start date. One transfer per camp registration is permitted. 
      • Please note, once our programs are full the ability for us to accommodate camp transfers is limited. Please bring all camp registration issues / conflicts to our attention immediately, so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.

    Preschool-age campers must be toilet trained and self-sufficient in the restroom. Children must be able to attend without the use of pull ups or diapers. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s self-sufficiency in the restroom, please contact us directly.

    If your child is ill or, for any reason, misses one or more days of camp, no credits or refunds will be provided due to the absence.

    • After a camp commences, prorated credits and / or refunds are issued for medical reasons only and a doctor’s note must be provided. Prorated credits and / or refunds are based on the date SGA receives the doctor’s note at the front desk. If we are presented with a doctor’s note after the activity has passed, we cannot issue credits or refunds.

    In the event that Seattle Gymnastics Academy must cancel a program offered at our facility due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control (including coach illness, extreme weather, power outage, gas leak, global pandemic, etc) we will provide a full non-refundable credit on your account for any missed camp dates.

    If a child can not adhere to staff instruction and safety requirements, they will be removed from the program and a pro-rated refund will be provided for the remainder of the camp.

    Please bring all camp registration issues / conflicts to our attention immediately, so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.


    Deposit and Fees: All fees are due at the time of booking and are non-refundable. Please ensure you are confident with your party date and time before proceeding with your booking.

    Cancellations: Our parties often book up 2 months in advance and therefore, SGA does not provide credits and / or refunds once a party booking is confirmed.

    Switching Dates: A minimum of 3 weeks notice must be given to switch the date / time of your party. There is a limit of one date / time change per booking.

    Party Guests: In order to keep the party safe and fun, we require you to keep the guest list to a maximum of 20 participants. Please remember to include the birthday child and all participating siblings in this count. For safety, all party-goers must be within a 3 year age range for participation. Indoor Playground style party participants, 5 years old and under, require a caregiver to accompany them in the gym for the duration of the party.

    We understand that it is hard to keep guest lists from growing, but please be respectful of this policy so we can work together to make this the best party for your child!

    Waivers: All party attendees must have a current online waiver completed by the child’s legal parent / guardian for birthday party participation. If your child will be carpooling to the party or dropped off by someone other than their legal parent / guardian, please be sure to complete this in advance.

    Reminder: To avoid disappointment, we highly recommend you book early. Our parties book up 2-3 months in advance.


    We have a limited number of spots available in our Parents’ Night Out and Clinic events and these programs fill fast! Therefore, we have a no refund policy on our Parents’ Night Out and Clinic registrations.

    If a request for transfer is received with a minimum of 48-hours notice before the event date, you may transfer your registration to another date with availability at no additional charge.

    • Only one transfer is permitted per registration.
    • No transfers will be permitted with less than 48-hours notice to ensure proper staffing.

    If your child is ill or, for any reason, misses the event, we will not be able to provide a credit and / or refund. Medical cancellations will receive an account credit and / or refund if notice is given prior to the event and a doctor’s note is provided. If we are presented with a doctor’s note after the activity has passed, we cannot issue credits or refunds.


    We have a limited number of spots available in our Playdate Plus events, therefore, we have a no refund policy on our Playdate Plus registrations. However, we understand that life happens and for many reasons, you may not be able to attend a Playdate Plus event that you have pre-registered for in advance.

    If you are no longer able to keep your Playdate Plus reservation, please contact your Member Services Team before the event date to transfer your reservation to another date with availability at no additional charge.

    Medical cancellations may receive an account credit or refund if notice is given before the scheduled event and a doctor’s note is provided. If we are presented with a doctor’s note after the activity has passed, we cannot issue retroactive credits or refunds.


    Indoor Playground is one of our most popular events for the 5 and under age group, especially on weekends, those particularly cold and rainy Seattle days or when school is out! In these instances, we encourage you to plan ahead and pre-register to ensure your spot in advance to avoid disappointment.

    We have a limited number of spots available in our Indoor Playground events and must maintain our capacity numbers to ensure the safety of all participants, caregiver / adults and staff on the floor.

    We have a no refund policy on our Indoor Playground registrations. However, we understand that life happens and for many reasons you may not be able to attend an Indoor Playground event that you have pre-registered for in advance.

    If you are no longer able to keep your Indoor Playground reservation, please contact your Member Services Staff prior to the event date to transfer your reservation to another date with availability at no additional charge.


    • Leotards are the standard and preferred gymnastics uniform during practice. Gymnasts may also wear athletic shorts and a fitted tank or T-shirt that can be tucked in.
    • Gymnasts should have their midriffs covered at all times. Having a uniform that covers the gymnast’s midsection allows a safe place for coaches to spot skills and eliminates the potential for injuries to their stomach skin on the bars, beams, trampolines, and other equipment.
    • Kids can either be barefoot, or may wear grippy socks (socks with rubber dots on the bottom).
    • Please refrain from wearing jewelry, earrings, belts, jeans or loose fitting clothing.
    • Long hair must be tied back.
    • Please bring a pre-filled water bottle – we have water filling stations available in our facilities. For safety, please do not bring glass water bottles inside the facility.

    A participant may be expelled, without refund or credit, if their behavior is abusive to classmates or staff. A participant may also be expelled for destruction of equipment or the property of others and may be held responsible for all costs associated with the damage.


    Seattle Gymnastics Academy is NOT responsible for lost or stolen property in or around our premises, including the gym floor, the observation area, or your vehicle. Please do not leave purses or other valuables in plain sight in your vehicle.

    We accept no responsibility for articles left behind. SGA staff are not permitted to accept responsibility for personal articles and all items left on the premises will be placed in lost and found.

    All water bottles left will be thrown away and all lost and found items will be donated on a monthly basis.



    SGA Burien is located at 15840 1st Ave S, Burien, WA 98148 inside the Five Corners Shopping Center next to the PCC Community Markets.

    Parking spaces in the main parking field of the shopping center directly in front of the PCC Community Market are considered restricted parking and may not be used for SGA drop offs, pick ups or waiting visitors.

    The space directly in front of SGA’s main entrance at the front of the building is also designated as a “No Drop Off / Parking Area”.


    We have a dedicated drop off / pick up zone located at the back of the facility and strongly encourage families (with children age 5 +) to use this as the main student entrance.

    This is a one-way zone and must be accessed from behind Trader Joe’s.

    Once your student has been dropped off, you may proceed to the front of the shopping center to park and enter the facility using the entrance at the front of the building. Please note: The drop off / pick up zone is a “No Waiting / Parking Zone” and must be kept clear for those actively dropping off / picking up students.

    Thank you for your cooperation and compliance to these important facility procedures.


    SGA Ballard is located at 1415 NW 52nd St, Seattle, WA, 98107. The main parking lot and entrance is located on NW 51st, across from Les Schwab.

    • You may park in our designated lot, designated street parking on 14th Ave, or the parking spots at the back of the gym on 52nd.
    • Parking is absolutely not allowed in the apartment building’s lot to the northwest of us. If you pass through the corridor from our parking lot into the apartment area, you have entered private property and ticketing or towing is therefore at the discretion of the apartments.
    • Additionally, blocking access of the corridor drive to the apartments is not allowed at any time. Residents of the apartments have the right to request improperly parked cars blocking access to enter and exit their homes to be towed.
    • Any tickets or tows incurred for improperly parked cars are at the sole responsibility and cost of the vehicles’s owner.
    • Lastly, within our designated parking lot, please do not block our exit doors, entrance and garage doors (which are designated as no parking) and please – we can’t stress this enough – do not speed through the parking lot.

    Thank you for your cooperation and compliance to these important facility procedures.


    SGA Columbia City is located at 5034 37th Ave S, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98118. The main parking lot and front entrance is located on S. Dawson Street.
    • If our parking lot is full, you may use any legal street parking available on surrounding streets. Most streets have 2-hour maximum parking. Registered Zone Parking permits required for 2+ hour parking.
    • Parking in the upper lot above our main parking is not permitted. This parking is strictly for the EL1 business.
    • A pedestrian alley entrance is located on 37th Ave S, for those who are walking / biking to the gym.
    • If you are not planning to spend time in the gym, please consider parking on the nearby streets or running errands until pick-up time to prioritize parking for active viewing inside and picking-up / dropping-off students.
    • Please be patient with other cars in the parking lot. The main lot is a 1-way access and often times cars need a little extra room / time to back out and get turned around.
    • Lastly, please – we can’t stress this enough – do not speed through the parking lot as there are children walking through the lot at all times.

    Thank you for your cooperation and compliance to these important facility procedures.


    SGA Lake City – 26th is located at 12535 26th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125. Whenever possible, please use the SGA parking lot with the south and north entrances off of NE 26th Ave. This is our parking area reserved for SGA customers.

    • If our parking lot is full, you may use any legal street parking available on NE 26th Ave. 
    • If you are not planning to spend time inside the gym, please consider parking on the nearby streets or running errands until pick-up time to prioritize the parking lot for those actively picking-up / dropping off students or those needing to enter the facility. This is especially important during our peak hours (weekdays 4:00-5:30pm + Sundays).

    Our neighboring business, the Friendly Foam Shop, has requested the following when using the parking area on NE 127th Ave: 

    • During their shop’s business hours, SGA families may use their parking spaces for short drop-off / pick-up situations only, for no more than 5 minutes.
    • During business hours, please leave the spots closest to their entrance door available for their customers. These are reserved for ADA accessibility.
    • All parking spaces are available to use when the shop is closed (Sun + Mon all day, Tue-Sat after 6pm).
    • Please DO NOT park in front of any roll-up garage doors for neighboring businesses at any time, including when the businesses are closed. This includes the Foam Shop and Century Link building. There are “No Parking / Tow” signs in front of these garage areas.

    Thank you for your cooperation and compliance to these important facility procedures.


    SGA always plans to teach and will rarely close due snow or inclement weather. If there is a potential or unexpected schedule change / closure that impacts normal operations, communication will be sent via email and through the SGA app. We also encourage you to check our homepage banner on the website often for important announcements and closure information.

    In the event that Seattle Gymnastics Academy must cancel a program offered at our facility due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control (including coach illness, extreme weather, power outage, gas leak, global pandemic, etc.) we will provide a non-refundable account credit for any missed classes.


  • When can we enroll for classes?

    With our continuous enrollment, you may register for classes at any time! Your enrollment begins the next time class meets, unless otherwise noted at the time of registration. The first month’s tuition (pro-rated if applicable) and a lifetime registration fee of $75 are due at the time of registration.

    All class spots are filled on a first to sign up basis and payment is due at the time of enrollment. We cannot hold spots for future start dates.

  • How do I enroll my child in a class?

    You may enroll into any entry level class with space available through the SGA app, online in the SGA customer portal or over the phone / in person with our Member Services Staff.

    New Members – Create an SGA Account

    New members must create an SGA account, as the participation waiver and policy agreements are paperless and must be completed during the enrollment process.

    We strongly encourage new members to complete their account registration online in advance so our Member Services Staff is able to locate your family / student account and better assist you in finding classes and programs that meet your specific needs.

    Current or Returning Members – My SGA Account

    Current or returning members may enroll by logging into their SGA account through the customer portal or SGA app. If the student returning was previously enrolled in an intermediate or advanced class (i.e. Level 2 or higher) or if your student has been promoted, please contact your Member Services Staff directly to complete your enrollment.

    Transfers can be completed online in the customer portal for entry level classes with space available. Promotion transfers (i.e. – moving from a beginner (Learn Gymnastics 1) class to an intermediate (Learn Gymnastics 2) class) must be completed by contacting your Member Services Staff directly.

    To claim a spot from the waitlist, you must contact your Member Services Staff directly for assistance.

  • What if the class we want is full? How long is the waitlist?

    At this time, most of our classes are full, but we do monitor the waitlists closely. We highly recommend adding your child to the waitlist for classes that work with your schedule. Please do not add your child to waitlisted classes that will not work with your schedule.

    It is difficult to predict how long it will take from the time you register on the waitlist until there is an opening. However, it is our goal to move students off of the waitlist within a reasonable timeframe from the time you first registered.

    For more information on our waitlists, please view our waitlist policy.

  • Can we enroll in more than one class?

    Yes, you may enroll in more than one class. Monthly tuition is calculated based on the total number of hours a student attends class(es) on a weekly basis.

    For more information on our current rates, please view our tuition and fees.

  • How do I know when my child is ready to move up in skill level?

    Each class program and level has a specific set of skills that need to be mastered before moving up to the next class level.

    Our coaches keep a record of each gymnast’s progress in class and document their skill achievements through an online report card. You may view your student report card at any time in your SGA customer portal. Report cards will also be emailed to you at the end of each month.

    When the coach feels your child is ready to move up to the next level, we will notify you that your student is ready for a promotion and work with you to schedule your new class.

    Please keep in mind that every child‘s development is different, so please do not be discouraged if it takes a little while for a student to move up.

  • Can we switch the day/time of our class?

    You may transfer to another class at any time, based on availability. If the class you are interested in is full, please add your student to the waitlist and we will contact you when an opening is available to transfer.

    Transfers can be completed online in the customer portal for entry level classes with space available. Promotion transfers (i.e. – moving from a beginner (Learn Gymnastics 1) class to an intermediate (Learn Gymnastics 2) class) must be completed by contacting your Member Services Staff directly.

    To claim a spot from the waitlist, you must contact your Member Services Staff directly for assistance.

  • What if we need to take some time off from class?

    If you would like to cancel your enrollment, please complete the online drop request form by the 1st of the month to avoid being charged for the following month’s tuition.

    If you do not complete this form by the 1st, your child will be committed through the end of the following month and you will be responsible for that month’s tuition regardless of your ability to attend.

    For more information on withdrawals, please view our Drop Policy.

  • How are monthly tuition payments handled?

    A valid credit card or checking account is required for registration and must be kept on file as the primary payment method approved for recurring billing.

    Your primary payment method will be charged initially upon enrollment and then on the 20th of the month (or the first business day after the 20th) thereafter.

    If you need to make changes to your autopay arrangements, please update your records online, over the phone or in person before the 19th of the month.

    We accept the following payment methods:
    Visa, Mastercard and AmEx (with a 3.5% surcharge fee) and E-check (ACH).

  • What if my child has previous gymnastics experience outside of SGA?

    If your child has previous gymnastics experience outside of SGA, please reach out to our Member Services Staff so we can assist you in finding the right class placement for your child.

    In some cases, an assessment or trial class may be required to determine the appropriate placement for your child. All assessments and class trials must be scheduled directly with our Member Services Staff, either in person or over the phone.

  • How can I connect with my child’s coach?

    If you have a question or concern regarding your child’s participation or progress in class, please do not interrupt a class.

    You can speak with your child’s coach before or after class (generally 10 minutes before / after class, as time allows) or you can reach out to your Member Services Staff to make arrangements for your child’s coach to personally connect with you.

  • What if I have a concern?

    If you have a question or concern, we want to hear from you!

    You can speak with our Member Services Staff in person at the front desk or by calling us directly and we will be happy to assist you.

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Connect with us

Thank you for your interest in Seattle Gymastics Academy. We’re excited to get to know you!

Please fill out the form below to get in touch.

What activities are you interested in?
(select all that apply)
What ages are your gymnasts?
(select all that apply)

For a faster response, please give us a call at one of our SGA gyms during our front desk hours:

Lake City 26th (206) 362-7447
Lake City 28th (206) 267-3108
Ballard (206) 782-1496
Columbia City (206) 708-7497
Burien (206) 558-2977
Mill Creek (425) 948-1664