SURPRISE! Boys Team is BACK! We thought our season ended in April with our USAG Regional meet, but we received a surprise and delight invitation from the NGA (National Gymnastics Association) to attend their Regional (and National!) meet alongside our SGA Women’s Competitive Teams in Reno, Nevada over the weekend of May 17-19!

This meet was completely optional for our Boys Team athletes (and their families), but many of them were able to make it happen and we had a fantastic time!

Coach Josh said:

“The Boys team traveled out to Reno for NGA Regionals! We had a great time at regionals and accomplished many new skills and routines. All of the boys qualified to NGA Nationals in June and we can’t wait to see how they do! A big congratulations to Maverick for making the Regional Team, he will be competing for the Western Region at Nationals in June!”

For a quick background, NGA is an alternative / additional competitive opportunity to USAG. While newer to the gymnastics industry, NGA is continuing to grow in popularity. It is designed to combine all levels of competitive gymnastics into one program – Beginner-Skill Level 1 to College Bound-Skill Level 10, with deductions based on the requirements of each level. This streamlines the coaching and judging process and more closely aligns with the requirements of collegiate / NCAA Gymnastics vs being aimed at elite-level gymnastics. Our Women’s competitive teams attend both USAG and NGA meets during the year, but this is the first (but hopefully not last) for our Boys Team!

Thanks for having us, NGA! We had a blast!

Check out a couple fantastic floor routines on Facebook and Instagram!

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Lake City 28th (206) 267-3108
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