We’ve been busy-busy-busy! As we get ready to head into another XCEL meet this weekend, lets get caught up on the one from last weekend (Feb 3-4) when we were at the Candyland Invitational!

Coach Jayme from SGA Columbia City said:

“Candyland was so fun, that is the girls favorite meet of the year. We saw a lot of good improvement and growth in our gymnasts from the first meet. Overall the team did really well and we are very proud of them all! We have another meet coming up this weekend and are excited to be back in the gym, getting back to work!!”

–Check out CC’s action on Facebook and Instagram

Coach Misa from SGA Lake City said:

“Another great meet weekend! Lots of great gymnastics and first time skills completed! Both the Bronze and Silver teams had great Fourth Place finishes! Can’t wait for the next meet!”

–Check out LKC’s action on Facebook and Instagram

Coach Ashlyn from SGA Ballard said:

“Our girls came out and worked hard to show off the improvements they’ve made since Battle in Bellevue! The most amazing thing to see was their team camaraderie! They cheered on their teammates loud and proud, but best of all they cheered on the other teams! That’s what we call great sportsmanship and respect for our fellow competitors! We’re jumping straight in to another meet this weekend, but the team is strong and they are ready to shine.”

–Check out BAL’s action on Facebook and Instagram

Great work everyone! Hope you’ve caught your breath before you jump in again this weekend at the Realm Classic – we know you are going to rock it yet again!

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Lake City 26th (206) 362-7447
Lake City 28th (206) 267-3108
Ballard (206) 782-1496
Columbia City (206) 708-7497
Burien (206) 558-2977
Mill Creek (425) 948-1664